Graceful Smiles Dentistry

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How Can I Whiten My Teeth At Home?

Don’t hold your smile back! A bright and shiny smile boosts your confidence. Pearly white teeth not only enhance the beauty, but they also indicate how good and consistent about your oral hygiene.

If you are wondering how to make your teeth whiter fast – no need to worry about it, in this post you’ll get super easy, effective and informative tips to restore your pearly white teeth at home.

How Can I Get White Teeth At Home?

Some tips that you can consider following to get white teeth at home include:

Drink Water

Chase your dark liquids such as red wine or black coffee with water. It takes 30-seconds for the stain to penetrate, so drinking water along with your wine and coffee will assist in washing any would-be stains away.

Avoid Certain Foods

Despite red wine and coffee, there are certain foods that also lead to stains, and these stains are even tougher to remove. If dark foods and beverages stain your white shirt, then they will also stain your shiny white teeth.

In order to avoid staining, you must brush your teeth immediately after ingesting any form of dark foods and beverages. In case you cannot brush immediately after a meal, then rinse your mouth with clean water. It will also help you to keep your teeth white.

Add Milk To Your Tea

The addition of milk to your tea decreased the tea’s ability to stain your teeth. Unfortunately, this doesn’t apply to coffee and other dark beverages.

Brush Teeth Twice a Day

Practicing good oral hygiene regularly takes a long way to whitening your teeth. Currently, every dentist recommends using electronic brushes instead of manual brushes. Because electronic brushes clean better and deeper than a manual one. In order to whiten your teeth, you may need to update your manual brush with an electronic one.

Try to Floss Regularly

Food particles and plaque between the teeth can affect your bright smile overall, so don’t ever neglect to floss. Start making a habit of flossing every day with various gentle flossing kits.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking leads teeth to decay and discolor, and can also become a cause of tooth loss. In addition, the exposure of nicotine leaves the mouth unable to fight effectively with infection, which leads plaque buildup as well as provides bacteria and germs rampant to run. Moreover, it will not only harm your oral health, but it will badly affect your overall health condition. In order to restore your shiny smile, you need to work on your oral hygiene habits, as well as you need to take care about your diet.

Contact Graceful Smiles Dentistry

At Graceful Smiles, we provide exceptional dental care for patients of all ages. We take care of our families, and ensure that each appointment is a positive experience for everyone.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with Dr. Elsa Mammen, please contact our dental office in Richmond, TX today! 

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